Jesus loves your kids, and He wants them to know Him as Father, Friend, and Savior!"
Kingdom Kids is a place where our kids (infants through grade 5) are given the opportunity to encounter and know Jesus so they can be empowered by the Spirit to bring the Kingdom of God to those around them.
Our kids get to know God as Father, Friend and Savior.
We surround our kids with adults who love Jesus and who love them.
We have FUN!
‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’ Acts 2:17
Is this your first visit?
Welcome! Park around the back of the church building and enter through the Kids Entrance with the awning (closer to the tennis courts). You will be welcomed by a flurry of activity and a Kingdom Kids Supervisor is on hand to help you find your way.
We take your family's safety very seriously. Children will be checked in and will receive a security name badge with a corresponding parent tag to be given to teachers at pick-up time. We also make sure we have the caregiver's number in case we need to get a hold of you during the service.
During the 9:00 Service
Nursery (0-35 months) - Room 107
Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 year-olds) - Room 105
Early Elementary (Kindergarten-3rd grade) - Room 103
During the 11:00 Service
Nursery (0-35 months) - Room 107
Pre-Kindergarten (3-6 year olds) - Room 105
Early Elementary (Kindergarten-3rd grade) - Room 103
Upper Elementary (4th-5th grade) - Room 108 ***6th graders have the option to join the Upper Elementary class until they feel ready to join the Next Chapter Youth ministry. You are absolutely welcome in Kingdom Kids!
Pick-Up: Kingdom Kids is over as soon as the main service ends. Please pick your kids up at this time with the security sticker. If you would like prayer or if there is something preventing you from coming to the classroom immediately, give your security sticker to a trusted adult and they can help you out!
Note: Sometimes due to circumstances beyond our control, we need to cancel a class on Sunday mornings. Check with the Connect Desk in the Main Floor Lobby or the Welcome Center on the Lower/1st Floor to find out if your class has been cancelled.
For the families that consider Mariemont Church their home, be ready to engage with our kids Sunday mornings! We need greeters, teachers, teaching assistants, nursery care along with outreach dreamers! Our goal is 100% volunteer participation from each of our families!
beyond sundays
Here at Mariemont Church, we deeply value community. And Kingdom Kids is more than Sunday School. It’s a group of families helping each other raise children that are Jesus followers. In order for our families to experience deeper relationships between parents, church members, and our children, we create space for engagement outside of Sunday mornings.
Watch this space for news about Kingdom Kids gatherings and events.
Note: All details are subject to change (and often do!). If you would like to keep up-to-date on all things Kingdom Kids, contact Katie Smith at 513-205-8539 or katie@mariemontchurch.org and she’ll put you on her Kingdom Kids email list. She’d love to hear from you or signup below!