Worship Arts & Tech Team
Seeking God’s Face
If you have been around Mariemont Church at one of our services, small groups, or Rooted classes, even just for a short time, you will undoubtedly hear us talk about one of our highest priorities: seeking God’s face.
There is no greater idea, or for that matter, joy than pursuing the One who is worthy of all praise and who is the King of all Glory yet calls us into intimate and deep relationship with Him. (1 John 3:1)
As we have stepped toward God in worship, He has met with us in indescribable ways. We have seen our community in the midst of worship set free from anxiety, depression, and PTSD, and have even experienced physical healing as we cry out to Abba (Papa). Mostly we have simply experienced Him and that is what our hearts desire. Better yet it’s Who our hearts desire..
Using Our Gifts for His Glory
Another of our priorities is that everyone gets to use their gifts in the Kingdom of God. So hopefully that is what has brought you to this section of our website. We love to serve as talented musicians, singers, songwriters, dancers, and artists and see God use us for His glory.
How wonderful it is to do what you were made to do! If you’d like to explore the idea of becoming a part of this amazing creative community, click on the button below, fill out the form, and our Worship Pastor, Raz, will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know about the next steps.
Want to Volunteer? Do you have gifts you want to share for the Kingdom? Gifts other than music? Fill out the Worship Team Application below.
Here are the current opportunities available:
Worship Arts Musicians (Requires audition)
Singers (Harmony and Melody)
Bass Guitar Player
Rhythm Guitar Player (Acoustic and Electric)
Lead Guitar Player (Electric)
Drums Player
Keyboard Player
Production Tech (training provided)
Front of House Sound Tech
Broadcast Sound Tech
Camera Operator
Pro-Presenter Slides and Music Operator
Pro-Presenter Slides Development
Contact Paul “Raz” Rasmussen at paul@mariemontchurch.org for more information on these volunteer roles, or fill out the volunteer form on this screen.