Women’s Ministry
Connecting, growing, and equipping the women of Mariemont Church.
A vision to encourage and equip
The vision of the Mariemont Church Women’s Ministry is to encourage women of all ages to grow in their faith and equip them to be beacons of light in their homes, communities and workplaces. This is accomplished by providing opportunities for growth through study, service and warm fellowship with one another.
Sharing the goal of having every member grow through participation in Bible study, Women’s Ministries offers a variety of studies for women in the church and women who may not be members of Mariemont Church. Studies are Bible-based, providing perspectives for applying Christian principles to a woman’s life, and are typically taught by women from our community.
Spend quality time with Jesus as you worship Him with your sisters in Christ. This time will involve individual prayer as well as opportunities to pray for one another and read the word.
Come on a Tuesday morning or Monday evening and meet with other women for fellowship, discussion, and to grow deeper in your faith.
Joy In The Morning
Joy in the morning meets every Tuesday morning from 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. We’re currently on Winter Break, but a NEW study will begin Tuesday, January 14.
“Unoffendable” by Brant Hansen
Led by Pam Lincoln and Karen Gagliardi
In the book Brant shows us how to release the burden of righteous anger so we can experience the joy of gratitude. Because when you choose to be unoffendable you’ll flourish the way God intends you to- and find the peace you long for in a constantly changing, never satisfying world. Homework will be a short video and some reading. (Link for purchase through Amazon.)
Dates and Times
Dates: Tuesdays starting January 14
Time: 9:15 - 11:15
Contact: Barb Leonard (tombarbleonard@gmail.com)
Childcare Available
Loving childcare is available with a reservation. The semester runs from January 14th- May 6th with a week off for Spring Break.
The cost of childcare is 80.00 ( 5.00 a week per child) to be paid at the beginning of the semester.
Deadline for childcare reservations is January 7! Please RSVP to Barb Leonard at tombarbleonard@gmail.com.
Evening Joy meets the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings of each month from 7:00 - 8:30 PM. The studies are co-facilitated by Paula Ayer and Teresa Earhart.
Fall Study
Life Under the Sun: The Unexpectedly Good News of Ecclesiastes
by Hannah Anderson
“He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also put eternity in their hearts...”, Ecclesiastes 3:11
“Turn. Turn. Turn. It often feels like life is spinning at a dizzying rate. All things ever seem to do is change. And just as soon as we get our footing, the ground shifts under us again. How can we keep our balance in such a disorienting world?
Through this 8-session Bible study, Hannah Anderson invites us to consider the wisdom of Ecclesiastes afresh as we search for a solid foundation for life under the sun. Together, we’ll learn to name our anxieties, concerns, and disappointments.
We’ll discover how Ecclesiastes is more than self-help or good advice—how it frees us to ask the questions that Jesus Himself will eventually answer. And through its raw honesty and unflinching commitment to goodness, we’ll find hope in the One who guides all days under the sun.”
(Link to purchase on Lifeway.com) (Link to purchase on Amazon.com)
Fall Schedule: Life Under the Sun, Hannah Anderson
September 16 - Session 1: Introduction / Get to Know You
October 7 - Session 2: Life Under the Sun
October 21- Session 3: Wisdom Under the Sun
November 4 - Session 4: Goodness Under the Sun
November 18. - Session 5: Working Under the Sun
December 2- Session 6: Community Under the Sun
Winter/Spring Schedule
January 6 - Session 7: Justice Under the Sun
January 20 - Session 8: Time Under the Sun
Begin: The Power of Praise, Becky Harling
February 3 – Social / Get to Know You
February 17 - Introduction
March 3 - Facing Your Fears
March 17 - Lamenting with Authenticity
April 7 - Praising God Leads to Contentment
April 21 - Rekindling Exuberant Joy
May 5 - Living in Victory
May 19 - Social Event
Paula Ayer, 513-304-7055, ayerpaula@gmail.com
Teresa Earhart, (513) 543-5362 , ttearhart@gmail.com
Special Events
Women’s Retreat
Sisterhood Social