Get Rooted and Established in Christ

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in Thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6-7, ESV) 

Rooted Discipleship is a series of classes to help the body of Christ be “rooted” and established in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Each term, classes are offered in two back-to-back, six-week Sessions.  You will have the chance to take a different class each session of each term.

Usually on Wednesday nights from 7-9 p.m., the evening starts by getting our hearts in the right place, and ready to hear from the Lord with a time of worship.  We then break into class groups for the rest of the night.

Each class costs $50 per person (it’s good to have “skin in the game”) and less if you take a class each session.  Scholarships are available. Books and study materials are provided.


Watch this space for information about the next Rooted Discipleship Term starting Fall of 2024.


Different teachers and topics are offered each term but there are three Core Classes that we recommend for those starting their Rooted Discipleship Journey:

Identity in Christ

Understanding your identity and value in Christ. Taught by Jess Moore.

It helped me to combat fear and anxiousness.
— Renee
I’ve been stuck, knowing the lies I’ve been believing and knowing the truth but unable to walk it out. God used this class and others things during the same time period to bring freedom. I’m no longer stuck!
— Christine
Helping me realize that I can’t make God not love me, that my worth comes from Him.
— Barry
This exceeded my expectations. I thought I had done ample work in this area and I had even read the book, but the discussions and scriptures covered in class really deepened my understanding of my identity.
— Jacki

Communion With God

How to grow in relationship with Jesus in life, in the Word, and in community. Taught by Jamie Moore.

I’m closer to God than ever before, but know it’s just a taste. I want to become closer and feel like this class has given me the tools to seek Him more deeply.
— Nancy
This has opened up new horizons in my relationship with God and increased my confidence to step into what He calls me to because I can hear Him clearly.
— Mark
The structure of this class and there being both clear ways to consistently engage with God while leaving room to just relax with Him really helped to deepen my relationship with Him and draw me closer to who He wants me to be.
— Pollyanna

Lifestyle of Worship

Understanding the importance and practice of biblical worship. Taught by Paul Rasmussen.

Worship was not my strength in my relationship with the Lord. But I now have a renewed sense and appreciation for how integral worship is to that relationship.
— Jimmy
I am seeing God for who he is with greater clarity, seeing him as more beautiful, more glorious, more incredible than I have ever found him to be. This class has inspired worship in me, and I’ve discovered it to be my biggest longing that I’ve suppressed for years! My soul aches to worship!
— John
The classes really help me expanded on what worship looks like outside of Sunday morning.
— Mike