Everyone is at different points in their personal journey with God. Do you know what your next step is?
Jesus is the key leader around here and the reason we exist. He came to save us from our self-centered ways, our sin, and our rebellion. He is the unique and awesome God who laid his life down for us, and took our punishment on himself. We believe it is only through him that we can experience real life now and forever.
We saw what Jesus did, we turned from our ways, and we believed this good news – the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Then we started living as his disciples (followers, students, apprentices). This looks like pursuing a deepened relationship with God (Up) and with other followers of Jesus (In), and bringing the message of love to our families, neighborhoods, and workplaces (Out). One good illustration is the “Up - Out - In” triangle:
Following Jesus
We look at the Bible together to learn who Jesus is, what he did and why it matters. The Holy Spirit helps us walk out these things in our everyday life–at home, in the workplace, and every area of our lives.
Everything we do as we follow Jesus is designed to honor his Father, who adopted us into his family through the power of the Holy Spirit.