Mariemont Church

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The “High Priestly Prayer” of Jesus, found in John 17:1-26 is the longest recorded prayer of Jesus in the Bible. If you are feeling the need to increase your prayer-life, consider reading Jesus’ prayer daily for the next 4 weeks as we walk through this text together. Here’s how we are dividing the text over the month of January: Prayer for Glory, John 17:1-5 (John Treas teaching on 1/7) Prayer for His Disciples, John 17:6-19 (Paul Raz teaching on 1/14) Prayer for Unity, John 17:20-23 (Jamie Moore teaching on 1/21) Prayer of the High Priest, John 17:1-26 (Jamie Moore on 1/28)

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In person services every Sunday at 9am & 11am.

Livestream at 9am.